Thursday, September 17, 2009

Helpful Stuff...

So if you are wanting to count calories there is this really cool website The 2 Phat Chicks use {and hopefully more so again} WWW.LIVESTRONG.COM You can create and account for FREE and join groups that give you the motivation and support you need! Some weigh-in every week and have little weekly challenges...good stuff! :) Another bonus is counting your calories. You put in how much you weigh and how much you want to lose each week and it gives you an idea of how many calories you should consume each week to lose that weight. Then you go to your "daily plate" and look up the food you eat and it keeps track of it for you and how many calories you have left for the day. And you can also track your workouts and how many calories you burned. Awesome, huh?

Search around the website, get to know it, and give it a try! Good luck bloggers! :)


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